Assembling Neighbours. The City as Archive, Hardware, Method

Draft paper under review. ‘Assembling Neighbours. The City as Archive, Hardware, Method’. Abstract:

The article reports on the rise of the ‘popular assemblies’ movement that swept the streets and plazas of Madrid in the wake of the May 15 2011 occupation of Puerta del Sol. Assemblies have since taken installation in public spaces as infrastructural and methodological projects. Their wireframing into the public landscape has demanded of participants an inventive deployment of archival and hardware tactics, as well as a method for urban hospitality. The fuzz and mess of the assembly – the difficulties that participants have at putting together, let alone understanding the very object of the assembly as an urban form – offers some valuable insights into present-day discussions on the city as an object of political claims and rights. Moreover, the practice of assembling neighbours – of convoking a neighbourhood’s assembly, and of bringing and holding a disparity of relations together in the political and social figure of the ‘neighbour’ – addresses wider issues about the possible forms of an urban commons in the neoliberal metropolis. In this light, we develop an argument that sees in the assemblies an emerging political form of neo-municipalism. The political purchase of this assemblage / assembly is its status as urban open hardware. An object invested in the fuzziness of the urban condition.

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  1. […] hemerotecas de los periódicos? Los antropólogos Alberto Corsin y Adolfo Estalella, en su ensayo The city as archive, hardware, method, abordan las  asambleas de barrio del movimiento 15M español – reuniones en espacio […]

  2. […] 15M español. Un auténtico lujo, desde luego, presentar el Campo de Cebada de Madrid, el hardware humano de las asambleas, herramientas como el Twittómetro Yes We Camp, colectivos como Paisaje Transversal o mostrar el […]

  3. […] as hemerotecas dos jornais? Os antropólogos Alberto Corsin e Adolfo Estalella, em seu ensaio The city as archive, hardware, method, abordam as assembléias de bairro do movimento 15M espanhol – reuniões em espaço […]

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  5. […] The 15M movement, set of processes and methodologies, is also being quoted as a prototype network of democracy by many thinkers. Assemblies registered in real time, open documents (usually in TitanPad or PiratePad), collaboration and networking, cross connections between different assemblies, groups and nodes… Its Virtual Assembly is now investigating new directions in technopols participation. The initiative Demo4Punto0 found a hybrid parliamentary voting method to balance the votes of the deputies with citizen participation. The neighborhoods assemblies as researcher Adolfo Estalella says, turn the city into a file, a hardware, a method. […]

  6. […] antropólogos Alberto Corsin e Adolfo Estalella, em seu ensaio The city as archive, hardware, method, abordam as assembleias de bairro do movimento 15M espanhol – reuniões em espaço público, […]

  7. […] en muchas décadas, celebradas en el espacio público. Asambleas que se convirtieron en método y hardware para ensamblar las ciudades. Del diálogo y la convivencia, como reacción al antagonismo visceral de la vieja clase política, […]

  8. […] en muchas décadas, celebradas en el espacio público. Asambleas que se convirtieron en método y hardware para ensamblar las ciudades. Del diálogo y la convivencia, como reacción al antagonismo visceral de la vieja clase política, […]

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  11. […] vez em muitas décadas, celebradas no espaço público. Assembleias que se converteram em método e hardware para reunir as cidades . Do diálogo e convívio, como reação ao antagonismo viscxeral da velha classe política, surgiu […]

  12. […] in decades, we saw political assemblies held in public spaces. Assemblies that turned into method, human hardware for uniting urban citizens. The need for consensus arose from a spirit of dialogue and coexistence, born in reaction to the […]

  13. […] held in public spaces. Assemblies that turned into method, human hardware for uniting urban citizens. The need for consensus arose from a spirit of dialogue and coexistence, born in reaction to the […]

  14. […] in decades, we saw political assemblies held in public spaces. Assemblies that turned into method, human hardware for uniting urban citizens.  The need for consensus arose from a spirit of dialogue and coexistence, born in reaction to the […]

  15. […] in decades, we saw political assemblies held in public spaces. Assemblies that turned into method, human hardware for uniting urban citizens. The need for consensus arose from a spirit of dialogue and coexistence, born in reaction to the […]

  16. […] in decades, we saw political assemblies held in public spaces. Assemblies that turned into method, human hardware for uniting urban citizens. The need for consensus arose from a spirit of dialogue and coexistence, born in reaction to the […]

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March 2025
