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Prototipar y recursividad… conceptos para un Décalogo de Prácticas Culturales de Código Abierto…

[View the story “Prototipar y recursividad – #10penkult” on Storify]

Vídeo del seminario ‘Del 15M a la #acampadasol’

Nuestro agradecimiento a Medialab-Prado, en cuya web se puede consultar el vídeo original:


Primer borrador / first draft Over the past two months thousands of people have gathered in plazas and public spaces across local neighbourhoods in Spain. They have come together to constitute themselves into so-called ‘popular assemblies’. Theirs is a call to tomar la plaza: to take over the plazas and recuperate the barrio (neighbourhood) as […]

Seminarios Empiria Digital, un espacio para explorar la dimensión social de Internet (y lo digital)

Comenzamos nuestros seminarios de Empiria Digital para la discusión de investigaciones sobre los aspectos sociales de Internet y las tecnologías digitales. La primera sesión se celebra el 20 de mayo en Medialab-Prado Madrid (11.00-13.00). Habrá una presentación a cargo de Carla Estrella, antropóloga, titulada: ‘Una antropología de los mundos virtuales: avatares, comunidades y piratas digitales […]

The hospitable prototype

Here is the video of our talk at the Prototyping Cultures conference. Courtesy of Medialab-Prado. More video-talks available at their website.

The cultural economy of open innovation

On December 2-3 we will be convening an international ‘brainstorming’ workshop on the cultural economy of open innovation. The event will be held jointly at the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and Spain’s School for Industrial Organisation (Escuela de Organización Industrial, EOI). Admission is free. The language and practices of open innovation have taken hold […]

Prototyping prototyping

Prior to our ‘Prototyping Cultures’ conference, Chris Kelty came up with the idea to ‘prototype’ the conference itself. The outcome: a conference publication finished before the conference. Awesome. I think the result speaks for itself. Thanks a million, Chris!!! arce_episode2

Do-it-yourself culture and… the Baroque!

‘Life has to be made and, therefore, it is important to know how one makes it.’ The above quote could well be the motto of any do-it-yourself movement. It recalls, for instance, Chris Kelty’s description of the making of ‘recursive publics’ among free software developers. The ‘public’ here is no simple moral or virtuous domain. […]

Prototyping cultures – a conference

We thought it was about time to share our ethnographic insights and experience thus far with others. For this reason, we are starting to organise a two-day conference on ‘Prototyping cultures’, to be held in the fall in Madrid. If you would like to hear more about the conference, do get in touch with us. […]

Zonas, objetos, ensamblajes

Quizás algunos conceptos clásicos de la antropología y estudios de la ciencia puedan ayudar a dar cuenta de ciertos procesos, prácticas y actividades que ocurren en el Medialab. Trading zone: la noción de trading zone (zona o espacio de intercambio) la desarrolla Peter Galison en su libro, Image and logic. En el libro Galison estudia […]

Open / Social / Knowledge

In collaboration with Alice Bryer (Goldsmiths), I am organising an international conference on the so-called Social Economy at Spain’s School for Industrial Organisation, which is opening tomorrow in Seville. (More on the conference can be found here.) I wont go into the complexities of the social economy here. I do want to briefly point out, […]


February 2025
